Influences and Links
Poets borrow. That's what they do. We share energy. Really. Poetry comes in many forms as well. I want to share with you the outside influences that shaped me. There are so many hidden references in Indiana The Island that you may eventually catch them if you are familiar with any of these people or things. Please take time when you're intrigued or bored at work to check them out.
Siouxsie And The Banshees (unofficial, but EVERYTHING you need to know)
Kate Bush

kate bush
Anne Sexton a new anne sexton link

Not only is singer/songwriter Brandon Hancock one of the most brilliant of those types these days, he illustrated my book AND just happens to be my best friend. If Johnny Cash and Morrissey were in a car crash and got stuck together, this is the music they would write. Thank God for Brandon and the whole gang of boys. Go give their cds a listen at their website and buy some cool merchandise. below is a picture of their newest album "lazy are the skeletons". i have a poem on the inner sleeve and sing back-up on the first track as well. don't forget to go to their website to download "please please please" by the scattered pages featuring me on lead vocals! have a go! XOXO
the official website...
the scattered pages the innocence mission the innocence mission

Operation Migration

Titan!!! did you know that this planet is like an early earth?
how does this influence me? i'm always comparing outerspace bodies to situations on earth. check this planet out. cassini is mapping it now and the huygens probe just landed on it in january of 2005. the pictures are stunning.
More Than Just Nine Planets... You all know about our nine planets. But do you know Europa? Do you know it is a solid water planet? How about Titan with its haze of methane gas? We landeda probe on Titan (Saturn's biggest moon) in 2005. This website has pictures of more than 113 "planets" (moons are planets... i mean, what IS the definition of a planet? Pluto is smaller than many moons!) and it is so much fun to navigate. Click on a planet and start exploring. Then click on the planet's moons- Did you know that Jupiter has over 60 moons? And did you know that some have spewing volcanoes and cracking ice floes? You never knew there was so much happening in one solar system!! This website has been a HUGE inspiration and guidebook for my next book... (and don't forget to check out the GORGEOUS picture of Mars- click on it again for a supersize shot. It's stunning.)
Mars As You've NEVER Seen It Before Indigo Girls

Three Islands You've Probably Never Heard Of Bjork

Mary Oliver
Another Mary Oliver Site the beat (UK) i'm so glad i discovered this website. i've been digging around on it for a while now... wonderful works from many contributors... it's another great poetry website for tired eyes... if you know what i mean xo
the beat
Half Drunk Muse a refreshing website dedicated to fantastic poets. there are great links to other sites as well. you'll find wonderful poetry here and many, many new names.
half drunk muse