i can't help it. i've got so many cool things coming up but am not ready to post them yet... like houston's gay pride paradeand so much more... so stay tuned and keep emailing me!
keep emailing me or i'll poke you with my stick!
the window to my kitchen in the evening.
they're picking up my neighbor's house and moving it!
sorry it's blurry- there goes the ol' eyesore. why someone would want to save that house is beyond me...
"say cheese old man!" '-cheese old man.'
this is the tallest building in galveston on the strand.
hermit crabs don't like corona. they just hid in their shells. no amount of my pressuring would get them to come out and play. crabs aren't really much fun to hang around with.
so i go to the ocean grill and my friend david orders this whopping letuce wrap thingy...
and i had some grilled stuff and a very friendly bloody mary when all of a sudden...
i'm chewing my food and there's dirty hippies swimming in the water!! eeeewwwwwww dirty hippy hair!
selfish update that means nothing and it's all about me.
hey kids- i'm havin' a rough week as my mother-in-law from a long, past relationship is losing her battle to cancer. i've got to go out of town thursday to austin, texas (look me up if you wanna have a drink...) until next sunday. so i thought i'd leave you with some silly pictures i took on a day trip to galveston isand. bless you all xoxoxoxoxo
art league of houston building. well guys... we weren't sure what happened to the art league of houston's main location, but i think you'll like the pictures.
would you use these guys to fix your plumbing? look again...
and part one of my last galveston trip...
here's the path i take to the beach...
lots of weeds in early summer...
i was trying to do a handstand but it seems that i can't. i can, however, get a sunburn very quickly.
hungry hungry hippoes! see the frito in the tern's mouth on the left?
here's the before-shot when they were swooping down for it!
please feed us. do it now.
later i went to one of the more secluded areas where the ships go back and forth all day.
is this a totally gay corona ad or what??!!??
"i just gotta keep singin baby..."
those pictures crack me up.
gettin' ready to go eat some food and drink a bloody mary!
goodbye until next week. the new book is still coming along. this picture was taken just when i sat down to watch a building get demolished (pictures coming!) and right after a saw a dirty hippy get in the water with his girlfriend (ewww!) - pictures coming of that too. i also just booked a trip to alaska and western canada- so you'll all have lots and lots to look forward to. time to do some whale watching and glacier walking.
hey guys- well, i've been home from traveling a bit. i don't hit the road again until june 16th... don't worry, i'll have my camera.
anyways, my friends april and kurt had themselves a nice little beach party and i needed a getaway soooo badly. so here's some fun pictures as well as some educational ones. you'll see.
thanks for coming back to my website again and again. so far, may 2005 has been the busiest month with thousands of hits and visitors from over 30 countries.
i had a sunburn (and very swollen eyes obviously!) before i even left for galveston island. but the beach i'm going to is past galveston. it's called crystal beach and you have to get there by ferry.
a beautiful day...
somebody's ready to party!
i stopped at the beach on glaveston island for a little inspiration and a drink... a totally gorgeous night. perfect.
there were crabs everywhere from low tide!! yikes!!!
a sober toddicus.
toddicus contemplates even more liquor on crystal beach...
yep... i'm ready to go.
there are lots of strict regulations to take the ferry to crystal beach.
and there's usually a line to get on the ferry.
and the workers pile the cars in about twenty to each side.
thank god it's only a twenty minute ride.
people scramble to the top to get a great view... and to feel the cool air.
sorry it's blurry... i just really liked all the different colored cars.
my messy car.
other boats leaving port alongside us. the other boat was going much faster. we travel at about 55 mph which is really quite fast considering how big the ferry is.
one car gets to leave at a time upon arrival...
they put a stopper in front of the lead car... which was mine of course which means that i'm nearly the last to leave. dammit.
ooo!! i thought this sucked. "hello? 911? i'm on crystal beach and i need an ambulance. my husband is having a heart attack." "ok ma'am... it'll be about 45 minutes. hang in there!" that would suck.
some of my friends at the beach party.
hey dude- dress shirts aren't allowed.
we made a fire from driftwood. it burns really slowly...
we added some good stuff we found along the dunes washed up from high tide.
bow wow.
and the fire sets in.
i'm addicted to fire...
david started walking around the beach on his hands...
he said that he was sore the whole next day!
my stinky beach feet. i totally trimmed after i saw this picture! ugh!!